Saturday, August 30, 2008


random post... but i'd just like to know if my dad is the only person on earth still buying these stuff... hahaha


Erique Fat Owl said...


I've got this uncle that always has a tin of STREPSILS in his pocket.

Cla, gimana food film section-nya?? Disetujui???

Leony said...

Hi hi Cla hahahhaa... Vitacimin used to be veryyyy popular... and now they have Xon-C, and now the more popular one: You-C 1000 hehehehe... (in the liquid form though...)

cla said...

yeah... somehow i'm not allowed a whole bottle of you-c 1000... gahhaha

food film? yeah... i should dig out that human flesh bak pao movie.... :Por cosidering where i am right now.... "chicken rice war" ???

Erique Fat Owl said...

CHICKEN RICE WAR!!!! I was SOOO going to review that one...pleasepleaseplease let me do that oneeee!!! It's my favorite Singaporean filmmm!!