Saturday, October 27, 2007

Gelare - Millpoint, WA

Best fluffy waffle~ *yum

Rum Raisin & Passionfruit Sorbet

Wild Strawberry & Cookies and Cream

Mint Choc Chip & Wild Strawberry

Rum Raisin & Cookies and Cream


Anonymous said...

o m g. gelareeeeeeeeee ngiler,,,

Erique Fat Owl said...

Cla - is it the same Gelare chain/franchise as in SIN and CGK?

cla said...

iyah.. sama.. lambangnya juga sama and everything..

gua sih ga ingat gelare d sg rasanya gimana... tapi yg ingat pada bilang "it's differeennnnnttttttt~"

soft and fluffy type... the type i think you'll finish 4 at one go... huahahhahahha

Erique Fat Owl said...

Gw malah ga pernah nyoba. Hahaha!! Eh, pernah deh...tapi cuma takeaway gelatonya doang...di Suntec...(iya bukan? kok gw jadi pikun)

Kalo di CGK sih (anyway, what's with the airport codes? kita keseringan ke airport yah?? ahahahah) gw tiap kali lewatin gelare di PI tapi gak pernah niat mencoba... si SYD ada ga sih?

cla said...

dont think so...

tapi best waffle is still in KL... it did crossed my mind to steal their box of pre-prepared dough... bahhahahhaa

Yudhanegara Njoman said...

Loved the azuki flavour, but that was back in the late 90s, now they don't have it anymore:(