Sunday, October 7, 2007

Pizza e Birra

light lunch today.

Acqua di Panna

San Pellagrino

Prosciutto Pizza

Pear and Rocket Salad



Erique Fat Owl said...


Erique Fat Owl said...

Eh kok Goncchi sih. Gnocchiiii...potato that is somehow always sold in the pasta section at supermarkets...

cla said...

i know this... from that sitcom! where there's italian mafia involved.... bahahahhahhaha

Erique Fat Owl said...

YES!!! Apasih itu....Hamish & Andy ya???

But anyway gw udah duluan bingung (sebelum nonton acara itu)...ini kan kentang, kok disamain sama pasta sih? Pasta is semolina...and durum wheat...kentang is kentang...

but apparently I have eaten gnocchi that does NOT taste like's actually PASTA...somewhat like ravioli (with spinach & ricotta)...