Saturday, May 19, 2007

AZABU SABO - Hokkaido Ice Cream

top: green tea ice cream
bottom: milk tea ice cream
the other favours include (the typical japanese) green tea with red bean, black sesame, lychee, (the usual) cookies and cream, rum and raisin, and (the shouldnt have been there) durian.

note: if you ever decide to try it, go for cones instead of cups! It looks so much nicer... they made it into these sharrppppp sharrrpppp cone shape instead of normal rounded.


Erique Fat Owl said...

Pasti rasanya biasa aja deh...have you tried comparing it to Haagen-Dazs green tea ice cream? yg mana yg lebih enak?

And do they actually use hokkaido milk??? ($20 a carton in Isetan Supermarket, last time I remember)

cla said...

haagen daaz green tea ice cream ada pahit pahit nya dikit... and taste more "bule".... hahahhaha

enak koq ini.. yg milk tea.. rasa nya kaya kirin milk tea dibuat es krim... :D

Erique Fat Owl said...

Oh ya? tapi menurut gw kirin milk tea tuh rasanya agak...aneh? I mean, kalo diminum kebanyakan bisa eneg...udah gitu rasanya kurang strong gitu...

Kalo iced milk tea yg paling perfect tuh yg di mos burger...yakan??

moo moo said...

Iyah!!! Mos burger punya iced milk tea paling enaaakkk!!! Huaaaa!! Saya udah mo balik Sg.... bisa minum milk teaaa.... jemput cla dari TK trus ke tonkichiii

cla said...

Kirin milk tea enak koqqqqqqqq~ tapi kalo gak dingin emank najis banget... hahahha

mos burger milk tea juga enak sih.. hahaha..