Thursday, September 20, 2007

Takikomi Gohan by Erique Fat Owl

Dinner tonight - Takikomi Gohan

This is the first time I tried to make Takikomi gohan (and I made it myself, I didn't buy those pre-packaged ones!). Ingredients: hon-shimeji, shiitake & nameko mushrooms, bamboo shoots, water chestnuts, carrots & salmon. Mmmm...

I also made the takikomi into an onigiri.


cla said...

itu.. yg kiri... kaya ada ulat crawling out.... eekk

but look yummy... i need isetan supermarket here...

Erique Fat Owl said...

Gwahwahwaaa!! Itu jamur satu susah diatur...gak mau nempel...padahal malah gw udah coba ngebalik onigiri-nya tapi ternyata the reverse side is even worse-looking...hauhauhauhauha

Bikin aja sendiri lagi...gampang bgt, moo moo aja pasti bisa (walaww memandang rendah sekaleee)