IT'S MY B-DAY!! Sound the trumpets! Alert the Bouche du roi(*)!
Instead of grumbling about getting OLD (no, no...not old, just more MATURE. That's right. keep denying it...keep denying it...) I'll just shut up and not talk about it at all. *grin*
Aaanyway. This year, I was very much in a French mood (oh COME ON. I'm in a French mood HALF the time! The other half being the Japanese mood!) - so I decided to keep things as French as possible.
mixed berry mousse encased in decorative joconde and topped with glazed mixed berries
Part of their "Art Cakes" series. It's a beautifully crafted cake - and the name is inspiring as well. "Larme de Gauguin"...we're of course, speaking of the great post-impressionist French painter Henri-Paul Gauguin here. La Renaissance always name cakes in their art cakes series after famous painters - Monet, Van Gogh, and Picasso to name a few.
Speaking of La Renaissance, it's still my favorite French patisserie in Sydney. I don't care if that Adriano Zumbo guy (who runs the Adriano Zumbo patisserie) gets all the limelight lately, but to me, classic French patisserie is still the only way to go. Yup, I'm quite the traditionalist when it comes to French patisserie. But it doesn't mean that I'm rigidly conservative. I do love new inventions, but within certain boundaries.
I always felt that French patisserie has reached a point of perfection centuries ago. Treats like the macarons, fraisier, mille-feuille, mont blanc, gateau opera, etc should be considered the staples and people should work based on those classics. It's when they create abominations like the TARO CHEESECAKE and claim them as French pastry I begin to severely object.
Anyway, enough about that - let's talk about this Larme de Gauguin (pronounced LARhm-duh-gah-GAHN). Well, it literally means "Gauguin's tears", hence the teardrop shape. It's very delightful - although just a tad on the sour side for my palate. However, the mousse part is a medley of berries - I can literally taste them dancing on my mouth. How delightful! ...and the Joconde (it's that thin sponge cake sheet that encases the mousse) is blissfully lined with raspberry syrup. There's a layer of coconut compote between layers of the mousse, and it perfectly goes with the whole cake.
Rating: 9/10
and's a shot of my birthday noodle. I hate to display this photo, but being Chinese- Indonesian, having noodles on your birthday is just as important as having your cake. More important, even. It is said that the long strands of the noodles symbolize long life. BTW, It was 7 am when I cut my birthday cake, so do you think I have time preparing a real, home-made fried noodle? No siree. It's just INDOMIE (Indonesian instant noodles)! Actually, it's Indomie Mie Keriting Goreng Special (Indomie special instant curly fried noodles) instead of the ubiquitous, regular Indomie Mie Goreng, because it's my B-DAY!!! (and it has to be special...)
(*) La Bouche du roi: the royal catering department in the French royal household. Literally means "The king's mouth"
ahuahuahua pake indomiii
Abis...gila aja masa gw disuruh bikin mi goreng special pake telor puyuh and the works jam 7 pagi??? Kalo di Indo sih ada Mommyyyy....
Rikkkk.... It doesn't matter... even though itu cuma Indomie, tapi pasti rasanya nikmat banget Rik... *remember, it's Indomie Special haha*.... Mau saingan ya sama my Bday noodle yang Gang Kelinci Passer Baroe ? Hahahahah...
Noniii lo sih enak bgt ada mi (whoops, I mean BAK-mi) Gang Kelinci Passer Baroe...the best we can get here in Sydney is mi (without BAK-) Pinangsia, but it's farrr away from my place...
Iyah itu Indomie udah dipilih yg se sepecial2 mungkin...LOL
Happy birthday budakkk!!! nyahahhaha
yes, i have shamelessly forgotten about it until you called... (somehow i dont think it's the first time you called me to remind me its your birthday either bahahhaha....)
i blame my mind-numbing chiropractic session in the morning... :P (and the fact that i have no track of the calendar anymore...)
Hahahahahah thank youuu...
...actually I didn't intend to remind you about it, I was simply calling because I wanted to ask you about that chili crab thing (sekalian halo2 lah...)
I could ask some other people in Sydney, but seeing that call charges to Singapore is almost equal to local charge, I figured why not...
...also, among all of the people I expect to get b-day wishes call / sms from, you're the only remaining one who hasn't done so (even linka was really2 on time!)
Sebenernya tadinya sih ga mau gw ingetin...Hahahahah...but you know how obsessive I am, so I couldn't help but remind you (and demand you to wish me) LOL
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