Thursday, June 26, 2008

Lok Wai Tin Stall - Sham Shui Po, Hong Kong

First dinner in Hong Kong, and decided to have some good ol' dai pai dong fare in Apliu street, Sham Shui Po. I don't know why, I just felt adventurous, I guess. I was alone, it was wayy late, and my stomach was growling. To be honest, Apliu street is kind of farrr from my hotel, but it's kind of nice at night, and I've been to this specific food stall like, 3 years ago.

Complimentary paai gwat soup

-> It is incredibly tasty. I almost ordered one more, but I decided not to, 'cause I speak almost no Cantonese other than "mai dan mmh goi" LOL

Stir-fried beef with scrambled egg

-> "stir-fried" is really an understatement. It's more like, COMBUSTED. The whole dish is cooked in (no kidding) less than 30 seconds, because the stove used to fry this dish up emitted blue fire so frickin strong, it could incinerate aliens in seconds. No kidding.

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