Friday, September 21, 2007

Maxim's Snowskin Mooncakes

Mooncakes - Round 2.
It's snowskin this time. I bought Maxim's (again), because they're so yummy. For those familiar with the southeast-asian version of snowskin mooncakes (like the ones sold in Singapore or Jakarta), this one is rather different. The flavors are more...Hong Kong-y (Mango, Strawberry, etc).


cla said...

saw the title "gyaaaaaaaaaa..... snowskin!!!"

read the flavours and saw the pics "ewww... yuck"


Erique Fat Owl said...

enak tauuuu. dasar selera apaan sih lo.

cla said...


fine.. if my truffle champagne snoskin failed to make it through customs i'll get these...

beli mana???

moo moo said...

moo moo juga baru beli lohh...
mooncake yg maxim punya. gara2 liat post lu yg d bawaaahhh. blom d makan sih...


udah senang gitu ketemu yg sama...

Anonymous said...

gyaaaaaaaaaaa.. beli dmana? mket citi?

Erique Fat Owl said...

Moo moo...kalo yg mooncake Maxim biasa (not snowskin) sih dijamin 100% enak deh...I've compared the top 4 brand: Kee Wah, Wing Wah, Maxim, St. Honore...menurut gw Maxim paling enak deee...

Kalo yg snowskin sih...let's just say that it's somewhat different from singapore-type snowskin. Personally sih gw malah lebih doyan yg Maxim snowskin. Tauk deh tuh kayaknya Cla ga suka...Atau barangkali gw udah bosen sama singapore-type snowskin aja kali...

BTW gw beli di Market City dua2nya.