so the grocery store shelves had two option for earl grey, twinnings or lipton... hmmm... was hoping for, at least, waitrose... but nah... grabbed a box before i saw the line..*whooaaa* not a good idea to go grocery shopping in town at lunch hour.... so i ditch the box and head to minamoto kitchoan where the peach mochi is not in season and no, i'm not about to buy a dollop (50cents coin size, sg! not oz!) of the season's mochi for $8.... was heading for royce (time out has a good review of their truffles) before i was stopped by the sa with a plate of macaron... tried the strawberry (suckers for fuschia) and i'm sold... this is many times better than bakerzin or lindt's... looked up... its TWG, and had always wanted to go to their tea salon in republic plaza but didnt have "kaki" to go with...
"is it a gift?"
"nah... it's for myself"
"do you want it wrapped?"
"....yes, of course"
i'm all for going green... but i'm not about to give up gift-wrapping...
they had three option for earl grey, "earl grey buddha" which is made from green tea instead of black, "french earl grey" with with deep blue cornflowers and the classic. settled for french since er, well its french and there a slithers of navy flowers... *heart*
cotton teabags... the box says it's "hand-sewn"... O.O
now, my job search will include one more criteria: "within 50m radius of republic plaza" XD
ps. been away for a whole month without any decent internet connections, so look out for posts of my thailand trip food photos... should be up in no time... :)
edit: i think i may have just screwed up the site setting.... ooppsss...
O. M. G.
ReplyDeleteLook at those teas...and macarons...*out of breath*
BTW hurry up post your Thailand pics!!! I wanna seeee....
i've uploaded all the thai pics not realising i forgot to resize it... now its all massiveeee as in.. wouldnt fit into a page... hahahhahhaa.... so i'm back to square one.... T_T