Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The White Rabbit - Dempsey

a renovated chapel on the hill

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What's Up, Doc?
Carrot and Orange Juice + Ginger
mum loves it but me hate ginger

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Mixed Berry Smoothies
ugh, brain freezeeee!!!!!
wanted another rhubarb drink, but waiter said the rhubarb went rotten... :S

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The White Rabbit Mac & Cheese
served with spring vegetables and an indulgent truffle sauce
looks small, but really quite filling. and that truffle sauce is making me sick by the end of it... sauce is too thick and lumpy? need to be more smooth~

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Grilled Salmon
served with seasonal vegetables and orange Maltaise sauce
too normal... overcooked by my standard and mum hate the sauce...

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Eggs Benedict
standard, salad has a nice dressing though...

Rating: 6/10
I really want to like the place (have a thing for anything rabbit, being my chinese zodiac explains my spoilt nature perfectly) but seriously, it's very disappointing and insignificant...

visit the website instead! its beyond cute!!! very Alice in Wonderland and typical Asylum...
click here


  1. Oh wow... Mac and Cheese has never looked so sophisticated, looks tasty :) So do the eggs mmmm

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. how was the poached egg with salmon? i have heard mixed review about this place, some are saying that the price doesn't reflect quality... is that true? or is it still worth a visit?

  4. Eggs benedict? it was alright...

    go if you want to see the "chapel"... the food is majorly dissapointing...
    head to ps. cafe which is in the area instead! :)
