Sunday, December 21, 2008

Chocolate Research Facility - Millenia Walk

what greets me in the fridge when i got back...
(in fact, it was about the only edible thing in the house... *geleng2x*)

there was lychee martini, earl grey and rose with rose petal...
all of which taste uncannily like what it says it is...
clinical retail space, pop art packaging, unique blocking system...
as if we need more reason to buy chocolates...

impressive range that could satisfy the serious chocolate connoisseur type to the hopelessly sweet toothed...

last minute x'mas gift shopping maybe?


  1. 100 flavours?!?! That is Madness! There site is awesome thx for informing :)

  2. *Their

    And are they only in Singapore :(?

  3. ^yep...

    more reason to visit? :)
